2024 - Volume 28 [Issue 12]

Original Research Article

Habitat Suitability Modeling for the Invasive Opuntia stricta Using Remote Sensing and Maxent in Tsavo East National Park, Kenya

Lilian Adionyi, Nashon Adero, Samuel Mutua, David Korir, Mika Siljander

DOI: 10.9734/jgeesi/2024/v28i12845

Page: 1-18

Land use and Land Cover Classification for Dang District Nepal using Satellite Imagery and Machine Learning on Google Earth Engine

Shishir Dahal, Bijaya Dangi, Manisha Kumari B.C., Rajendra Kumar Bhattarai

DOI: 10.9734/jgeesi/2024/v28i12848

Page: 52-66

Impacts of Climate Change on Forest Resources in Mexico: Regional Projections and Vulnerabilities

Ramírez-Sánchez Hermes Ulises, Fajardo-Montiel Aída Lucia

DOI: 10.9734/jgeesi/2024/v28i12849

Page: 67-93

Petrography and Geochemistry of Dolerite Dykes from Cretaceous Bamwa Half Grabben (North Cameroon, Central Africa)

Lise Carole Okomo Atouba, Oumarou Faarouk Nkouandou, Aminatou Fagny Mefire, Félix Kana, Zenaab Nouran Njankouo Ndassa, Basil Kada, Pierre Dourwe Dogsaye, Haman Adama

DOI: 10.9734/jgeesi/2024/v28i12850

Page: 94-111

Review Article

Evaluating the Environmental & Socioeconomic Effects of Insufficient Water & Sanitation in Afghanistan

Mohammad Rezaie, Mohammad Imran Azizi, Mohammad Abbas Rezaie

DOI: 10.9734/jgeesi/2024/v28i12847

Page: 33-51

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