I completed my MPhil in Environment, Society and Development from Department of Geography, University of Cambridge, Cambridge, United Kingdom. I completed my PhD from Department of Geography, Delhi School of Economics, University of Delhi, Delhi. Currently I am working as an Assistant Professor at the Department of Geography, Kirori Mal College, University of Delhi, Delhi, India. I have published many research papers in reputed national/international journals. In addition, I have reviewed articles of many international journals published by Taylor & Francis and Springer. My research focuses on the political economy of environment and development. I am concerned, in particular, with the often-hidden costs of environmental and developmental processes, and the need for scholarship to draw attention to the distributional consequences of public policy choices. My work focuses on the ways in which large-scale economic, societal and environmental transformations are governed, the values that frame how human societies engage with each other and with nature, and the networks of formal and informal institutions that are intertwined in everyday decision making across a variety of spatial and temporal scales. Currently, I am also working on urban governance and policy.